Author: Ella
The PAIN after you Literally BREAK your own HEART.
Hey Everyone, I was in & out of my head way to much over the next several weeks. Thinking where did I go wrong? What could I have done differently? If he really Loved would he really leave me? Will I hang on & Trust that everything will work out? Do I choose myself? All… Read more
The Next few Weeks…
First sorry I have been MIA, lots going on, From my oldest son turning 18 (very emotional about that) to finding a place to move. Just a lot going on this last week. So, the next few weeks were really just a blur for me. I missed him so much. I would cry every night… Read more
Valentine’s Day (NOT)
Well Valentine’s day is coming up and ironically that fell on the next week of this Journey. This week was a hard one to. You see Valentine’s Day is not just Valentine’s Day to me. It’s the day that he proposed to me in 2004. It’s our oldest son’s birthday. He turned what use to… Read more
The Week Following the Move
This was a hard week. So many emotions & mixed feelings. Day one on my own, I had to work so that helped keep my mind off of my personal life some. But nights were the hardest. My first night on my own, after the boys went to sleep, was the hardest. I didn’t sleep… Read more
The start!
My Journey started December 28, 2023.Three days after a wounder Christmas with family & friends my then husband of almost 20 years decided he was no longer happy in our marriage. This hit me from NO Where! We were so happy or so I thought, he hid all this so well I had no clue.… Read more
Hi Everyone, My name is Ella Mae. I wanted to start this blog in hopes I could help someone though tough times that they may be going through. The last year of my life as been a Roller-Coaster to say the least. I want to take you all on my journey from where I started… Read more
Hello world!
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing! Read more